Sunday Blog

Hello there, 

Happy Sunday from Cape Cod. I’m drinking coffee in bed and pondering life, a typical Sunday 😉 

This week, a story. 

There’s an old Cherokee tale called “Two Wolves.”

A Cherokee grandfather was speaking to his grandchild about a struggle within.

“Two wolves live inside me and fight fiercely,” he said. “One wolf is filled with love, compassion, patience, and generosity. The other is full of fear, anger, jealousy, and anxiety.”

The grandchild listened thoughtfully and asked, “But grandfather, if two wolves are fighting, which one will win?”

The grandfather smiled and replied, “The one I choose to feed.”

Human nature embodies both wolves. If you’ve followed my blog or newsletter, you’ll know I’m fascinated by this duality within us—this interplay of light and shadow. And perhaps the most valuable lesson I’ve learned is this: we must acknowledge both wolves inside us before we can choose which one to feed.

This is what it means to awaken. 

This past week?

Umm, I don’t remember…. 🙂 Cognitive dissonance? 


Have a great day!




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