The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Have you ever caught yourself spinning a story in your head—one that wasn’t real but felt all too true?

Like this: You send a message to someone and hours pass without a response. Instantly, your mind crafts a story: ‘Did I say something wrong? Are they upset with me?’ Without a shred of evidence, you’re suddenly navigating a world where tension exists.

We do this all the time. I know I do.

As a yoga teacher, I find myself battling this storytelling tendency often. During class, I’ll convince myself the sequence isn’t flowing, that students aren’t connecting. My inner demon child whispers, ‘You’re not doing enough.’ And yet, afterward, when a student thanks me or shares how much they enjoyed class, I’m usually surprised. I was so invested in my narrative that I couldn’t see the reality.

But why?

I’m exhausted from creating these worlds of discontent and unease. So, I’m exploring a gentler path—one where I remind myself that most things are okay, exactly as they are. When challenges arise (and they will), I come back to the simple truth: ‘It is what it is.’ Nothing more, nothing less.

Life feels lighter when we stop assigning unnecessary meaning to every moment. Sometimes, a delayed response is just a delayed response. Sometimes, a yoga class is just a yoga class.

The reality we choose to inhabit is, more often than not, of our own making. By stepping back and letting things be as they are, we reclaim our energy and protect our peace. It all just is.

What stories will you stop writing today?




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