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Right this way

Rediscover Flow
Live Aligned

As though you aren't quite 'there yet?'

Dear Seeker,

What's weighing you down?

There's a sadness when you realize you haven't been listening to yourself for a long time.

And a frustration that you don't know how to START.

Get started

Do you know? Or are you not quite sure? 

But you feel unsettled? As though something is missing? 

So you think, maybe I just need to:

Find a new job

Find a relationship

End a relationship

move to a new city

Lose weight

stop drinking

take a vacation

Some of those things  may be pieces to the puzzle.

know your Self.

I'll save you some time and buckets of angst.

But what you're really seeking is to

Hi hey hello, I'm Maggie!

I used to be that person who decided she wanted to go to yoga and read a book after work on a Friday, only to give in to my colleague’s plans for happy hour instead. If anyone asked me where I wanted to go for dinner, I’d always let them pick. 

I had such an intense need for everyone’s approval, that I never figured out what *I* wanted for myself. 

What that looked like was intense boredom at work, interspersed with a fantasy life in which I dated Chris Evans while feeling sh*tty about my real life as I scrolled through photos on Instagram. 

It was through working with a life coach and staying open and curious toward change, that I began to rediscover flow and live aligned.

I say all this because I’ve LIVED it. 


let's connect!

- Chrystina H. 

Coaching sessions with Maggie are fun and enlightening. She has a deeply calm and engaged presence. Maggie brings so much more than just coaching to our sessions with her experience in Human Design, Tarot and Spirituality. After a session with her I feel clearer and re-connected to myself.


Maggie embodies a both a calming and strengthening presence as a coach. Her grounded approach which is also soaring in its ambitions is a force for life change in both small and large ways. I highly recommend her for anyone interested in delving deeper and going farther in life! 

1:1 coaching


Ready To Get Started?
